What can we sow in the desert of modernity?

What if, in the quest for regeneration, collective care, and agency, we could refrain from comfort and from viewing our species as superior, entitled to heedless extraction, exploitation, and colonisation? 

Instead, could we acknowledge our role as integral and reciprocal parts within an interconnected web of life?

At the Desert Transformation Lab in the Błędowska Desert, we wander and ask ancient teachers which paths lead to a future coexistence. What are the values, games, and rules of a connected, just world for all species; a world we want to build now so it can nurture our grandmothers and children?

read full curatorial note see full programme

1 - 28 June 2024 changemakers x educators A-i-R programme

Desert Transformation Lab will open its Arts of Ecology programme 1st of June 2024 by welcoming an international group of 25 artists, educators, scientists, and activists into a month-long research residency amidst the dunes of Błędowska. The programme will unravel in five Laboratories, dedicated to different areas of life.

Discover the Labs:


An inquiry into ways of sharing and growing food in scarce environments and in times of conflict.


Future Food Lab


What if our bodies could talk, what kind of care would they ask us to provide? Somatic activation of bone memories of interbeing and compassion.


Planetary Movements Lab


Deep listening to the ecologies of sound–exploring the healing potential of frequencies, and wavelengths, pursuing acoustic experiments under the night sky and inside a geodesic studio in the desert.


Resonance Lab


Material research into the earth strata, poetics of sand, organic matter, semiotics, crafts, and land art.


Sandcraft Lab


A linguistic sandbox for stretching and queering our perceptions of nature's identity, a quest for meaning-making in the desert of modernity.


Coexistence Lab

  • Research of the biological, societal, cosmological, and transformative aspects of Pustynia Błędowska and the surrounding region of Poland

  • Regular workshops focused on the development of skills, toolsets, and guidelines for effective knowledge sharing, new pedagogical approaches, and holistic activism

  • Training in the facilitation of the public educational program

  • Creation of a participatory ecological cooperative for the local community of Klucze

Each laboratory is guided by a cohort of changemakers—artists, storytellers, researchers and educators, who together form the Wild Faculty of Desert Transformation Lab.

Future Food Lab 

Leo Baumgaertner, Ignacy Hryniewicz, Pola Sutryk, Chris Paxton

Coexistence Lab

Ola Knychalska, Jagna Nawrocka, Hannah Whitlow, , Jo Vávra

Planetary Movements Lab

Xtina Ariaz, Filip Kijowski, Eryk Pawłowski, Paulina Woźniczka

Sandcraft Lab

Victora Björk, Caroline Gieszner, Planeta Kuz, Inès Panizzi, Beatrice Zerbato

Resonance Lab

Ernest Borowski, Storm Harley (Ground Tactics), Zosia Hołubowska, Uo Raym

Special Agents

Katharina Louise Meyer, Marie Luise Fritzsche

Artistic Direction

Ignacy Hryniewicz, Jo Vávra

Communication & Project Management

Jagna Nawrocka

Creative Production 

Joanna Łałowska


Travis Broussard, CENTRALA, REST. studio

Graphic Design

Paulina Woźniczka

Team Support

Xtina Ariaz, Agnese Dell'Omo, Katarzyna Hertz, Hannah Whitlow, Desert Brothers

29 June - 28 July School of Ecological Imagination 

The resident agents will become the main hosts of the thematic labs that form the curriculum of the public educational programme. Together with over 50 international guest facilitators they will form a Wild Faculty of Transformation.

In the spirit of biomimicry and paying homage to one of the most precious inhabitants of these lands, the structure of the programme reflects the life cycle of a butterfly. 

Each stage will aim to guide our intergenerational students through transformative experiences, eye-opening encounters, and fulfilling life lessons and challenge them to question their modern lifestyle in the spirit of joyful inquiry.

  • Public and inclusive educational programme conceived of four week-long interactive seminars, holding space for unlearning, sensing, playing, transformation, grief, re-enchantment, and emergence of new ways of belonging with each other and the land. 

  • Future Generations Forum -  an experimental community gathering infrastructure that invites its guests to voice perspectives of the next generations of humans and other species through performative acts. It does so in order to foster larger-than-life agency, imaginative storytelling, playful education, and cultural catharsis.

  • Multilingual Young Changemakers Program empowers young changemakers from diverse backgrounds and regions, including Ukraine and Palestine, to amplify their voices and enact positive change in their communities. It cares to extend our support and social responsibility to regions that demand our increased attention.

  • Publication of a practical manual for young changemakers, cultural activists, and transition designers that will encapsulate the findings of the project and translate them into accessible sources of knowledge for intergenerational readers and future agents.

Transgenerational audience —kids, young adults, families, elders, local inhabitants, European-wide visitors, policy-makers, educators, artists, cultural producers and activists.




©LIOS Labs 2024